Everyone wants to be unique. Fashion is not only models, celebrities and those who can afford the latest designer clothes. Making a personal style is one way to develop the image you want to exude the people around you. How did you cope - that is, the clothes you wear - says a lot about your personality. Someone who lives in jeans, shirts and shoes can easily be taken as someone who wants a laid-back life.
While it is perfectly fine to be updated with the latest fashion trends, you have to keep it from being a victim of trends. Fashion was created to help you establish your picture and not so that it can create a different you.
People have a trademark style. Kate Moss is popular for her laid-back style. Nicole Richie is almost always a bug-eyed shades and a big bag. Jackie O. was known for his classic suits that it is a timeless fashion icon. You can create your own style. Although it is still a long way towards being a trendsetter, the experience can help you discover your style and personality can help you choose clothing and accessories later.
Ways to Discover Your Personal Fashion Style
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