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Here is information about some of the most famous fashion designers of all time; their names, their life stories and an insight into their successful careers. And not just that, this section dedicated to fashion designers also provides you with some tips on how to enter this profession and make a mark in fashion designing. Read on.

Daily Dosage

I'm back! So sorry for the delay! Vacationing and all that. ANYWAY, here's another lovely fashion shot. It's Elise Cormbez in this epic Vogue Italia Ed from awhile back. I really adore models who can act, photos like these really ARE worth a thousand words.

Some plausible captions:
"My husband...Kate Moss...a hotel in France..."
"Karl, no...I'll lose as many pounds as you like..."
"What do you MEAN the Balenciaga florals sold out? What is this!?"
"Ali Michael said what? Oh...she didn't name drop..."

Esoteric model humor is just the best.

Daily Dosage Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: barokah